Reusable Dental Equipment and Tools- Get the information right now!

Single-use handpieces and other dental instruments have allowed dentists better to prevent the transmission of illness in their healthcare settings. Previously, we've spent a lot of money on high-quality sterilizable hand parts with the expectation that they'd last for years. But the truth is that we put those hand parts through hell every day, chopping off crowns and preparing teeth in a setting that encourages illness.

It's important to note that the Azenic DHP is an FDA-approved medicine produced in the USA. You'd have a hard time convincing anyone that the dental handpiece repair parts aren't on par with, if not superior to, other top-tier metallic handpieces on the market today.

We all need to have old crown and bridge restorations removed at some point, and when we do, it may be a challenging situation that puts a lot of stress on the traditional metal hand tools, which in turn leads to costly repairs down the line. You may save a lot of money annually on the maintenance person if your office starts using the DHP for only these treatments.

Knowing that bleeding is imminent is another advantageous situation for the DHP. Using a disposable handpiece to separate those recalcitrant roots is helpful during the third molar extraction when the sources are slanted just enough to get your temper going. Furthermore, why not safeguard yourself, your dental handpiece supplier, and your patients from cross-contamination when we raise the prospect of a patient having an unknown or impaired health condition?

The DHP can be recycled indefinitely. Since Azenic has collaborated with the Sharps Recovery System, a cutting-edge solution for the expedited and ecologically responsible treatment and reuse of medical waste and discarded healthcare products, there is no need for landfills. The system's output is a raw material for other industries to employ.


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